The excel formula grade quiz is important for all psc exam of both assistant and full computer operator. The Public Service Commission (Lok-Sewa Aayog) has also asked more than 3 questions about the Microsoft Excel chapter. excel formula grade quiz is so useful for preparing PSC Computer exam.
Microsoft Excel MCQ Quiz part-6
Microsoft Excel MCQ Quiz part-6
You can create hyperlinks from the Excel workbook to:
A webpage on company internet All of the above
A webpage on the internet
Other office 97 applications documents
All of the above
The cell labeled F5 refers to:
Function key F5
Row F column 5
Column F row 5
Functions available in cell
Which is an example of formula in MS Excel?
Sum (A1:2)
=add (A1:A2)
How to display current date and time in MS Excel?
In MS Excel B7:B9 indicates:
Cell B8 only
cell B7 and cell B9 only
cell B7 through B9
none of the above
in MS Excel, what happens when dollar sign($) are entered in a cell address (ex: $B$@:$B$10)
the status bar does not display the cell address
an absolute cell address is created
cell address will change when it is copied to another cell
the sheet tab is changed
In MS Excel, what do you mean by a workspace?
Group of workbooks
Group of columns
Group of worksheets
Group of rows
Which of the following is a popular DOS based spreadsheet package?
Lotus 1-2-3
Smart cell
The intersection of row and column is called:
An equation
A field
A cell
Which of the following is the latest version of Excel?
Excel 2000
Excel 2002
Excel 2007
Excel 2016
Excel formula grade quiz
This excel formula grade quiz contains 10 multiple-choice questions(MCQs) from the Microsoft Excel chapter. Each question contains four options in which one is the correct option. Select the correct option by clicking on the "?" button. Your score will appear together.
We have published various MCQs Computer quiz on excel formula grade quiz, MS-PowerPoint, and MS-Access. Hope you all like these quizzes. If there are mistakes in any question, please comment on the related post. Thanks!